About Lana Springs Fish Farm
Lana Springs is a Cefas registered fish farm situated 7 miles east of Holsworthy in Devon, developed in 2004 specifically for the production of fast-growing English carp.
This location was chosen because of its warm and wet climate plus its natural spring water supply.
This natural water supply is absolutely essential to ensure a disease-free environment, most fish farms rely on rivers and streams to fill their lakes, but these can contain harmful parasites and disease plus a whole host of unwanted water quality based issues, our spring water supply is free of all such problems thus giving our fish a better environment in which to thrive.
The biosecurity measures here on site are second to none, we do not deal in other peoples unwanted fish or allow any other fish or persons on site that could potentially introduce disease. Cefas inspect our site and our records twice yearly and have never found anything other than healthy well kept fish, they often comment that their work would be so much easier if all fish farms were kept as well as Lana Springs. This gives our customers the total peace of mind when stocking fish from our farm, the last thing you want to do is introduce fish into you lake that could be carrying an infectious disease or potentially harmful parasites.